The Great San Andreas Hot Coffee Debacle
or:Hillary Clinton can go suck my Wang.
Anyone who plays video games and follows games news in general probably knows about the recent brouhahah surrounding video game's favorite scapegoat Grand Theft Auto. Just do a quick search on google news and you'll find that cartoonish sex scenes in a video game are garnering more press than the London bombings, Bush's war on Iraq or even Harry fucking Potter.
Let's clear a few things up. First of all it's not really a "mod" in the strict sense of the term. The game's code isnt really being modified so much as the save game file is altered to turn an option on (as opposed to off) for the censored sex scenes. Basically, Rockstar (henceforth known as R*) had the sex mini games in the code, but 'removed' them in order to achieve an 'M' rating. They weren't so much removed as hidden. There's absolutely no way to access these scenes unless you modify your save game, or run the more intrusive mod that alters the main.scm and script.scm files (and forget about about trying this on the PS2 or XBOX versions, unless you have a modded XBOX, but that's another rant).
But none of that is neither here nor there in my opinion, as THIS GAME IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS. I personally don’t give a shit about the children. Sorry, no can do, my friend. The whole notion that somehow children need to be protected from games like these is absurd, as the games themselves are intended for adults. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: Where are the fucking parents? The whole line of thinking basically stems from the misguided impression that video games are a children's medium, hence any game that comes out needs to be suitable for 8 year olds. Sorry Hillary, but MOST gamers are over the age of 21 (and they vote too, fuckwit). We've had all sorts of real sex, drunken sex, sex while wacked out on drugs, sex sex sex sex fucking sex. You dont like, then dont go buy an adult rated game, install it it on your high end gaming PC bought with adult pay checks, search online for a once fairly obscure mod, then try and figure out how to run (it took me almost 5 minutes to figure things out and I'm ME). Its not like R* has agent sitting around playgrounds selling pixel pr0n to the kids.
In short: fuck off and leave video games out of yr twisted political agenda. Fight the republicans on actual issues instead of saying "how can we pander to the family values crowd without alienating the political left? Oh, I know, lets pick on evil video games." You madame, are out of touch. You might as well come down on rap records for having violent lyrics while country and western music has had violent booze and drug fueled lyrics for year's... oh wait, you and Tipper pulled that shit back in the 90's right? Ya that's right. Suck my wang.

Clinton had the following to say as she launches her new crusade against video games:
"No wonder these games are falling into the hands of our children and no wonder so many parents feel everyday like they are fighting this battle with their hands tied behind their backs," Clinton said. "We need to do better. We need to do everything we can to make sure that parents have a line of defense against violent and graphic video games and other content that go against the values they are trying to instill in their children."
Excuse me, is there something in the water over there? Here's a line of defense for parents concerned about their kids playing violent, sexualy themed games: DON'T BUY THEM FOR YOUR KIDS. TAKE SOME TIME OUT OF YOUR BUSY DAY AND ACTUALLY CHECK IN ON WHAT YOUR KIDS ARE DOING, ie; A LITTLE THING YOU CALL 'PARENTING.' Hands tied behind their backs? Please. No one has a gun against mom and dad's head saying "buy GTA for your 10 year-old son OR ELSE." The rating on the San Andreas package has the following content descriptors: intense violence, blood and gore, strong sexual content, strong language and use of drugs.Please tell me why parents need any other line of defense other than that? What responsible parent would buy a game with that kind of dewscription for a kid? Is this R*'s fault or just lazy ass parenting? Why is this even an issue in the first place? Does Clinton feel the same way about film? music? What other kinds of commercial art would she like to control next?
By the way Hillary: this won't get you any new votes. The right wing christains will still vote for Jeb Bush or whatever southern fried nazi they roll out next election. In fact you may stand to lose quite a few votes, as most gamers are over the age of 18. I know this fact hasn't really sunken in yet, and yr one of those out of touch baby boomers who think comics and video games are just for kids, but just wait to see what the overall public reaction will be to this.

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