Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Robot or Human? Here's ACTROID

This is ACTROID, a true human-sized android. Even though it cannot move (it's glued to the floor), it's still very disturbing. From a distance, it could really be confused for a real, flesh and blood human being. The future is approaching... really fast!

PS3 controller debunked

Clinton Legislation Goes to Congress

The Clinton-Lieberman Family Entertainment Protection Act will be put in front of congress when it reconvenes in two weeks. The ramifications of such legislation are huge. Precipitated by the Hot Coffee scandal of this past summer, Clinton has been nosing around this issue of federal legislation for the past several months. Lieberman has long been one of the industry's most outspoken opponents on issues of videogame violence.

"I have developed legislation that will empower parents by making sure their kids can’t walk into a store and buy a video game that has graphic, violent and pornographic content," said Senator Clinton.

"There is a growing body of evidence that points to a link between violent videos and aggressive behavior in children. We are not interested in censoring videos meant for adult entertainment but we do want to ensure that these videos are not purchased by minors. Our bill will help accomplish this by imposing fines on those retailers that sell M-rated games to minors," Senator Lieberman said.

Costyk had this to say on his site:

Keep Your Laws Off My Games

Noted enemies-of-freedom Clinton and Lieberman are at it again.

You know, I really don't like living in a country where citizens can be held indefinitely without trial on the president's say-so, the feds can issue orders for your private information under a ban of secrecy that doesn't allow people even to reveal that the order exists--and where something as harmless as a game is viewed as needing the kinds of controls we apply to addictive, life-threatening drugs.

When I was young, I lived in a free country. I'd like to have it back, thanks. A pity neither party apparently believes in freedom any more.

"Banned" XBox 360

According to Eurogamer this is a banned 360 ad. According to other sites it isn't really banned, just for the web only.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pic of the day: Hot Mario!

I fucking love Japan.