Top 30 videogame franchises
Mario, Madden and GTA....
...and Star Wars!
CG DOA babes
Some nice CG renderings of Kasumi and company from DOA
Spiderman 3 teaser poster
Pic of the day: Evolution of Link
MPAA Files Lawsuits Targeting Major Torrent Sites
“Website operators who abuse technology to facilitate infringements of copyrighted works by millions of people are not anonymous – they can and will be stopped,” said John G. Malcolm, Executive Vice President and Director of Worldwide Anti-Piracy Operations for the MPAA. “Disabling these powerful networks of illegal file distribution is a significant step in stemming the tide of piracy on the Internet.”In all, nine indexing sites have been targeted (, and all owned by one individual.) BitTorrent: ISOHunt, TorrentSpy,, and; eDonkey2000:; Newsgroups:, and operators of these indexing sites appear surprised at the MPAA’s decision to sue, as they have yet to receive any notification.“Funny, they didn't email me,” Gary from ISOHunt said. “I'm not too concerned because we deal with copyright requests everyday, some of them from studios MPAA represents.”“Justin” from TorrentSpy echoed Gary’s skepticism. “I guess I will learn more when I see what they have filed exactly. [I’m] not sure why they are suing when we comply with DMCA requests but I guess we will learn more down the road.”A point to consider is TorrentSpy and ISOHunt are search engines - not trackers. Their role in the BitTorrent community is considerably different from previous lawsuit recipients such as the trackers EliteTorrents and LokiTorrent.Trackers are responsible for directing the traffic of the BitTorrent community by hosting the actual torrent file. Conversely, indexing sites operate in a fashion similar to Google or Yahoo! and only search a tracker's database. They host no actual torrent files. Fred Von Lohmann, staff attorney for the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), told no court has ruled on the legality of this issue.
Spam Poetry Vol.5
Dreama Buena
Reply happened happened we? leader not carefully? appearance social evening mentioned mischievous different?
Suddenly fascinate anything yours across wanted, light or wanted beautiful speaking.
Sandwich he supposedto find reading. here thus appearance a money, thats reply fire fascinate?
Pretty explain explain latter purpose.
Top 10 Worst Game Controllers
IGN has a great feature up on
the top 10 worst controllers.
7. Power GloveOne of the stupidest controllers is also considered one of the most classic simply due to brilliant marketing known as "product placement." The Wizard, starring Fred Savage, was a 90 minute Nintendo commercial for Mattel's Power Glove and Super Mario Bros. 3, even so far as using both items in the movie trailer. So even if you didn't pay your six bucks for a movie ticket, you were still assaulted with the branding. Oh, and you won't look as cool as this kid when you strap it on, so don't bother.
PSP v2?
The Digitimes:
According to market sources, Sony plans to release a version of its PSP (PlayStation Portable) using NAND flash from Samsung Electronics in the second half of this year.The PSP will feature 8GB of NAND flash, the sources stated.
Although recent reports stated that Sony would opt not to use NAND flash in the next version of its PSP, and would instead use a microdrive, the sources indicated that Sony was stalling to negotiate better pricing from Samsung.
Pic of the day: Phantom
Happy 20th B-Day Link!
4 color rebellion is pointing out that
today mark's the 20th anniversary of the Zelda franchise.
The Legend of Zelda was first released on the Famicon in Japan on February 21st, 1986, twenty years ago today.
Predators 'drove human evolution'

BBC News:
The popular view of our ancient ancestors as hunters who conquered all in their way is wrong, researchers have told a major US science conference.Instead, they argue, early humans were on the menu for predatory beasts.
This may have driven humans to evolve increased levels of co-operation, according to their theory.
Despite humankind's considerable capacity for war and violence, we are highly sociable animals, according to anthropologists.
Spam Poetry Vol.4
benefit Meds at L0W appearance he latter hard shining. back sandwich side. black you leader drew respect. next miserable back purpose force, different love he is. drew yours bought studied? steps companion explain. whom here supposedto whom thats. happened money across mentioned how off.

Spam Poetry Vol.3
THIN D11CK beautiful
music whom wife anything yours next.
profession wanted here.
how arms steps purpose love not. nothing off being.
arms fire motor. suddenly respect tying evening, bought use different? raise arms whom a wrong am.
Pic of the day: PS2 inspired architecture?
Spam Poetry Vol.2
UPSET BCOZ OF UR SHORT DlCK? LONGER 2" WITH THIS sidereading carefully added a taught reply wanted fire goes.
out human friends principle. motor he rich allow immediate.
window allow next different pretty nothing. love wrong leader very. she sandwich human corner supposed to?
mischievous parents is companion use few.

Spam Poetry Vol.1
Valentine Annmarie<>to xxxxxxxxshe similar commit being arms being. friends black use fire my motor.
drew bad raise wife black thus, human or did drew companion.
mentioned reading happened end whom? corner motor tying. young drew black being, steps night explain a next teach?
anybody sandwich reference, reply miserable evening commit black drew?

Pic of the day: Gary Coleman Strikes back
The Opera Browser for Nintendo DS
In Opera's agreement with Nintendo, Nintendo DS users will now be able to surf the full Internet from their systems using the Opera browser. The Opera browser for Nintendo DS will be sold as a DS card. Users simply insert the card into the Wi- Fi enabled Nintendo DS, connect to a network, and begin browsing on two screens.Earlier this year, Nintendo reported that 13 million Nintendo DS systems were sold to consumers around the world within just 13 months of its debut in November 2004. Nintendo DS combines unique dual screens, touch screen, voice recognition and wireless and Wi-Fi communications capabilities. According to an independent market research company in Japan, Nintendo DS has become the fastest selling video games machine to top the six million sales mark in Japan in just over 14 months since its Japanese debut, breaking the old record held by Nintendo's Game Boy Advance.
"The incredibly popular Nintendo DS is already Wi-Fi enabled to support real time gaming, so adding Web browsing capabilities was a natural evolution for this device," says Scott Hedrick, Executive Vice President, Opera Software. "Gaming devices are growing more advanced and a great Web experience is becoming a product differentiator for gaming manufacturers. Opera is excited to work with Nintendo to deliver a unique dual screen, full Internet experience on Nintendo DS."
With an on-screen keypad and stylus, users can easily navigate the Web from their Nintendo DS with PDA-like functionality. Based on the same core as the Opera desktop browser, Opera delivers superior speed and rendering of Web pages on the Nintendo DS.
PS3 HUB; September Launch
According to well-placed industry sources, PlayStation HUB will offer PlayStation 3 owners much the same services as Xbox Live, including chat, downloadable demos, independent games and online play. The service is also designed to support PSP online play as well as PS3. It's a departure from PlayStation 2's online strategy, widely regarded as vastly inferior to Microsoft's.PlayStation HUB is being described to developers as a 'subscriber service' suggesting a monthly charge. We understand the service is being created by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, although this is unconfirmed.
Sony boss Howard Stringer is pushing for all media content to be available for distribution over PlayStation HUB, such as music and movies, thus opening up a powerful iTunes-like distribution network for Sony.
Developer sources are also suggesting that PlayStation 3 is currently scheduled to launch in September. A launch games release schedule seen by our sources states a September launch. Although the schedule does not explicitly state a hardware launch date, nor a launch territory, we understand Japan and U.S will both see the machine in September.
Phil Brown Remembered
Veteran actor Phil Brown, best known to Star Wars fans as Luke Skywalker's Uncle Owen Lars from A New Hope, died yesterday after a lengthy illness. The 1977 role of Owen Lars introduced Brown to a whole new audience of young film fans, though it was only a small part in comparison to his lengthy acting history.Brown was a member of the famous Group Theater in New York in 1938, shortly after his graduation from Stanford University. After appearances on the Broadway stage, Brown and other members of the Group moved to Hollywood in the 1940s. Brown appeared in supporting roles in a variety of films, and served as a board member and producer for the Actor's Laboratory, a renowned stage theatre in Hollywood.
His career as a director was cut short after only one film, The Harlem Globetrotters, when the anti-communist McCarthyism hysteria took a hold of Hollywood. Though never a member of the Communist Party, Brown was nonetheless blacklisted in 1952 and could not find work in America. He instead went to London, where he continued his work as an actor and director, on stage, television and feature films.
In recent years, Brown had made a number of convention and event appearances celebrating his role as Owen Lars, where he had the opportunity to meet many Star Wars fans in person. He is survived by his wife Ginny, who was also well known to fans since she accompanied her husband to most fan conventions.
Better living through video games?
The Globe and Mail:Before you assume gadgets and video games fry the minds of the future, consider this: Canadian researchers are finding evidence that the high-speed, multitasking of the young and wireless can help protect their brains from aging.A body of research suggests that playing video games provides benefits similar to bilingualism in exercising the mind. Just as people fluent in two languages learn to suppress one language while speaking the other, so too are gamers adept at shutting out distractions to swiftly switch attention between different tasks.
A new study of 100 university undergraduates in Toronto has found that video gamers consistently outperform their non-playing peers in a series of tricky mental tests. If they also happened to be bilingual, they were unbeatable.
"The people who were video game players were better and faster performers," said psychologist Ellen Bialystok, a research professor at York University. "Those who were bilingual and video game addicts scored best -- particularly at the most difficult tasks."
Review: Need for Speed Most Wanted (Xbox360)

So NFS:MW is a decent racing game. So far I've defeated 4 people on the list, won a few cars, and have 2 in my garage and have had quite a few police chases. I have not played it online.
The graphics are pretty easy on the eyes, and I imagine in high def they must really shine, BUT, lets get serious for a moment here, there's some pretty serious hiccups and frame rate issues. And this is at TV resolution. I wonder if the problems multiply at 720p? Seems its not just me as even Gamespot takes issue with this.
Also, while a very pretty game, it's missing some key elements that it's current generation colleagues pull off just fine. For example, in Midnight Club 3, the open city theme is handled with much more detail and realism. NFS:MW has no pedestrians, and very little (almost non-existent in some cases) non-player traffic. Also, while MC3 uses a beam of light marker system to let you know where the next check-point is (and thus leaving it up to you the driver which path to take), NFS:MW just closes off all the possible paths you can take to give you a linear race. Its a bit unrealistic to assume that underground street racers have giant bullet proof plexiglass walls with flashing arrows to prevent anyone from straying off course during a race.
The cars do look very shiny, especially when you unlock the custom paint jobs... but again, points go to the old gen classics. Where is my right thumbstick operated camera? I want to see what my car looks like outside of the garage. Did anyone on this project even play MC3? It really is a better game. Sure the cars aren't as shiny, but really, what's better in NFS:MW other than cars that reflect their environments slightly more than last year?
7/10 on it's own, 6/10 considering it costs an extra $10 to roll with a next-gen disc.
Game tattoos

Gotta love that Pac Man ass tattoo.
Quote of the day
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
- Hunter S. Thompson