Review: Burnout Revenge (Xbox360)

Some one tell me what kind of awesome sparks rendering engine the PS2 has, because the sparks still look better on the PS2 version than the 360 version.
• The 360 is a funny console for these reasons: I'm playing a great game, with great graphics and sound, fantastic gameplay, yet I am disappointed. First reason is of course that the game is a port (and I've played it already), and the 2nd reason is that the game just doesn't feel next gen. It feels somewhere in between the previous generation and what I feel the next-gen should be. The 360 has it's work cut out for it if it wants to shed the image of being "xbox 1.5" because games like Burnout just SCREAM Xbox 1.5.
• The people who own high def teevee's will probably appreciate the SLIGHT cosmetic upgrades more than people rocking CRTs, but I found it hard to find any real differences between the 360 and OG xbox versions. Yes it looks great, and yes the original looked great too. I did notice some gameplay enhancements. Something about it just felt better, and the increased draw distance lets you see cars wayyyyyyyy down the road. This was nice.
• The online aspect rocks. I'd almost buy this just for online racing as Burnout is my kind of racer. It has a great responsive feel to it, and the sense of speed is unparalleled, especially online. I never played the OG xbox version online (cough * modded xbox * cough) so maybe its the same deal. Either way, the first race I played I came in first, playing against a dude who was ranked 26 in the fucking WORLD. It felt good to hear him scream in his semi-literate midwestern accent. I am now ranked 446 thank you very much.
• This game is so fucking cheap with achievement points I cant even tell you. Suffice to say that no one will be replaying this game just to pad their GS (not that I was thinking of doing such a thing... oh no.... not me)
• Remember when they were hyping BLACK as Burnout but with guns? The more I think of it they should just give Burnout guns. OR, make a FPS where you run REALLY REALLY FAST while shooting stuff. THAT would be Burnout with guns. Fuck FPSs that make you walk. I've done the walking thing. The next 'next-gen' FPS I want to play will let me run as fast as you can drive in Burout Revenge.
• They got rid of the golf meter thing in crashmode. Why they put it in there is anyone’s guess, but now its gone. Either way, Burnout 3 still rules for crashmode.
9/10 if it was fresh, 7/10 because it's a port.
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