Feds Want Hacker's Genetic Code

"He reported to the probation office as instructed; however, he refused to provide a blood sample for DNA testing, in violation of the general condition of supervision requiring compliance with federal law," the filing reads.
Lamo is nearly 18 months into a two-year probation sentence for hacking The New York Times in 2002.
According to his attorney, Lamo's refusal is based on a religious objection to giving blood, and he's willing to provide his DNA in another form. "He went in there with fingernail clippings and hair, and they refused to accept it, because they will only accept blood," says federal public defender Mary French. "Which is, you know, kind of in the Dark Ages."
French says she'll be filing a motion to dismiss the case. She declined to identify Lamo's religion. In prior court cases, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses have registered opposition to blood tests for alcohol content, based on certain passages in the Bible.
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