Review: Rockstar Presents Table Tennis

This game is Pong with fucking awesome graphics and control.
All this game is is get the ball past yr opponent, make sure you hit the ball when its coming at you. You can apply 4 types of spin (top, back, left, right) and you can hit the ball with degrees of strength. It's super simple and partly because of that you won't ever be playing the single player game unless you want to practise your game, unlock a character or unlock some new some some new outfits.
The real fun here is the multiplayer game, and R* did a fine job with that. I played online once I finished a match or 2 against the 360. The first match I played was intense. We had a few 50-60 hit rallies going, and it just gets insane when yr up that high and you shoot the ball past yr opponent (even more insane when the opposite happens.) A real sense of victory. The thing I really dig the most is I never felt I was losing or fucking up because the game somehow prevented me from doing what I wanted to do... I always felt complete control withing the game universe, and if I fucked up it was my fault. TT actually reminds me more of fighting games than Pong in some ways... it's a very visceral 1-on-1 experience, where you completely focus on the very simple goal of defeating your opponent. Very PURE.
The graphics? Shit bitch, my new next gen HD showcase game is this. When yr playing the actual game the graphics might as well be Pong as you barely see anything but the ball. But man, once you take a breather and check out those instant replays in slow motion, or view the character models and really zoom in.... WOW. Also some incredible realistic clothing animation.
So, R*'s first foray into the next-gen arena is pretty damn good. The game probably isn’t for everyone, and the single player experience is a little slim, but get a few people together either online or off and you’ll appreciate what R* was trying to accomplish with this game.
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