Rockstar's Pong
IGN has a preview up for Rockstar's Table Tennis:"...It doesn't instantly suck you in with blazing guns and sci-fi themes. Instead, you pick up and play, and a few minutes later you're familiar with the controls and the experimentation begins. Then, something interesting happens. The more you play, the deeper and deeper you'll dive into it. I went through a phase, in just one night, where I was slamming it with just the hard button over and over again. Later on, I switched players and found the spin game to be totally enthralling. Table Tennis is a little like Virtua Tennis in its intensity and easy-to-handle controls, but it's also a precision game that's compressed into a faster, more rhythmic pace. Jon Miller and I got into several serious rallies that lasted what seemed like minutes, and each one required our full attention and concentration. I know, I know, it's still table tennis, but Rockstar has made this work. In its own way, it's just as immediate as any fast-paced first-person shooter."

No, this isn't CJ busting some moves in a GTA4 mini game.
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